In the world of warehousing, distribution, order fulfillment, and manufacturing, there is a pressing need to store, buffer, and sequence smaller products. From tiny components to larger parts, these items often require a small load storage system. Traditionally, such systems have relied heavily on manual labor. Picture a compact storage area that supports a bustling factory floor with maintenance and repair parts or a high-value cage within a manufacturing facility.

Fortunately, there are numerous ways to configure small load storage systems with a minimized footprint, enabling businesses to optimize their available space. Compact shelving units that accommodate various load sizes and racks with foldable or collapsible features are just a few examples. By employing these innovative solutions, companies can save even more space when the system is not in use. Additionally, wall-mounted and overhead storage capitalize on vertical and wall space within the warehouse, transforming previously unused areas into valuable storage real estate.

While these approaches undoubtedly enhance small load management, they still heavily rely on manual labor, limiting the performance improvements they can deliver. What these systems truly need is a productivity boost in the form of automation.

The push to automate small load storage and retrieval, which has trailed behind larger-scale applications encompassing facility-wide activities, has gained significant momentum due to long-term low unemployment rates and the impact of the pandemic. Heightened labor costs have compelled companies to seek more productive alternatives, fueling the need for automated solutions in this domain.

Automating small load storage and retrieval presents unique material handling challenges, particularly in terms of high storage density and high throughput. When embarking on any automation project, it is crucial to consider all relevant design criteria, including article structure, product weights and dimensions, and material flow descriptions. A comprehensive study of inbound, storage, and outbound processes is essential, along with clearly specifying the software solution and interface between the system and the customer.

Automating small loads within a limited footprint offers a plethora of benefits. First and foremost, it optimizes space utilization by reducing the need for manual labor and physical storage. Moreover, it significantly increases productivity by streamlining workflows, minimizing manual errors, and accelerating production or service delivery. As a result, companies can achieve cost savings by reducing labor requirements once the initial investments in equipment are made. Safety is also enhanced, as automation mitigates the risks associated with manual labor in confined spaces. Businesses that implement these systems often witness enhanced accuracy and consistency since automated processes operate with high precision, minimizing errors attributable to human factors. Additionally, automation within a limited footprint opens up scalability options.

Automated systems designed for small load management generate vast amounts of data. This data can be collected, analyzed, and utilized to gain valuable insights, optimize processes, and make informed business decisions. Embracing a data-driven approach helps businesses identify areas for improvement and drive continuous optimization within the limited footprint. Lastly, by automating repetitive tasks, employees can shift their focus towards more complex and value-added activities, such as problem-solving, innovation, and customer interactions.

Stoecklin, a leading provider in this domain, takes a holistic approach that goes beyond the system and available technologies. Their primary goal is to provide the optimal solution and added value to each customer. With in-house engineering and equipment manufacturing capabilities, as well as a quality-driven and innovative support team backed by decades of automation experience, Stoecklin stands out as a trusted partner. With over 85 years of being a family-owned business, they have built a strong reputation for delivering reliable solutions tailored to meet diverse customer needs.